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Programme Monograph
Training Materials
Case Studies
Scientific Papers
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Programme Monograph

From Farmer Field Schools to Community IPM: Ten Years of IPM Training in Asia. A detailed description of the development of Farmer Field Schools, including historical context, educational foundations, ecological principles and lessons learned. [click on the title to see a Table of Contents and download options] 

Training Materials

Tea IPM Ecological Guide.  A trainer’s reference guide on crop development, major agronomic practices,  disease and insect management, written by Michael R. Zeiss and Koen den Braber for CIDSE Vietam [18 pdf files, 292 pages, 7.0 Mb]
Field Guide on Peanuts. Produced by Almalinda Morales-Abubaker for the National IPM Program in Vietnam. Lots of ideas for studies and training activities [zipped doc file, 100 pages, 119 kb]  
Living Soils: Training Exercises for Integrated Soils Management. This guide consists of 31 exercises all of which have been field tested.  Produced for FAO by William Settle [five pdf files, 101 pages, 2.4 Mb]
Participatory Ecology Training: Field Guide for IPM Training. A fully illustrated guide by Nanang Budiyanto covering 18 topics, 2000 [six pdf files, 38 pages, 1.6 Mb]
Community Based Rice IPM Programme Development: A Facilitator’s Guide. A detailed guide to organising season-long field schools (FFS) by Kevin Gallagher, 1996. [zipped Rich Text Files, 211 pages, 154 kb]
A Training of Trainers Course for IPM Farmer Trainers
A summary of more than 30 activities used during a 7-day course for farmer trainers, prepared by Heru Setyoko, 1997 [doc file, 14 pages, 94 kb]
Field Guide for Agroecosystem Areal Planning
Group exercises in which farmers make maps as a basis for establishing a vision for their village and analysing their resources. By the FAO team in Indonesia,1998 
[doc file, 8 pages, 83 kb]
A Manual to Facilitate Participatory Planning Activity
Details of 10 planning exercises which can be used with farmer groups as part of a Community IPM programme, by Mufid Busyairi, 1999 
[doc file, 22 pages, 142 Kb].
Field Guide on Gender and IPM
The exercises in this guide aim to improve gender awareness among IPM trainers. Prepared by the Centre for Family and Women’s Study in Hanoi, and FAO staff, 1996  [pdf file, 48 pages, 206 kb]
Facilitating Scientific Method as Follow-Up for FFS Graduates
The tools and principles described in this manual will help improve planning and analysis of field studies carried out by farmers who graduate from IPM Field Schools. By Henk van den Berg, revised November 2001 [doc file, 18 pages, 227 Kb]
The Health Effects of Pesticide Use: Methods to Conduct Community Studies With School Age Children These materials and exercises will help school children understand the dangers of pesticide use. Prepared by Helen Murphy, 1997. [doc file, 35 pages, 204 Kb]

Case Studies

The Empowerment… of Farmer Life Schools. The report of a project in Cambodia in which IPM farmer trainers facilitated Human Ecosystem Analysis (HESA).  Written by Nguon Sokuthea, 2002 [doc file, 1.5 Mb]
Farmer Field Research: An Analysis of Experiences from Indonesia. Henk van den Berg et. al. This report provides a conceptual framework for Farmer Field Research, and examines five cases from Indonesia, 2001.[three pdf files, 76 pages, 712 kb]
Picturing Impact: Participatory Evaluation of Community IPM in Three West Java Villages. A study carried out by farmers who took photographs to examine the impact of IPM on poverty in their villages.[five doc files, 66 pages, 2.2 Mb]
IPM by Farmers:The Farmer IPM Trainers TOT Program in Nepal
A report by Zambani of a TOT course in Nepal in May 2000 for IPM farmers who want to become trainers. The document includes details of both the 2-day curriculum development workshop and the 10-day TOT, and includes many photos.
[doc file, 19 pages, 497 Kb]
A Village Planning Meeting, Yen Phuong Village, Vietnam
This case describes the process of a 3-day planning meeting involving IPM farmers and trainers. The case also summarises what happened in the months which followed the meeting. With maps and photos.
[pdf file, 27 pages, 821 Kb]
Kaligondang: A Case History of an IPM Sub-district
An account of how a local IPM programme developed over a period of 7 years.  Includes descriptions of how Field Schools, Studies, Workshops and Meetings were conducted. [pdf, 60 pages, 182 Kb]
Report of an IPM Training of Trainers Course, Nepal. This TOT was conducted in 1999 with participants from both Government agencies and NGOs. The report consists of two files:the main text has a general description of the TOT and parallel IPM Field Schools [pdf file, 26 pages, 110 kb] while the Annexes include details of the curricullum, field studies, management structures and a project concept paper prepared by trainees [pdf file, 50 pages 198 kb]
The Farmers Technical Meeting, Indonesia.  A group of 26 Farmer Trainers discuss their problems and prepare plans for IPM activities in their District.
[doc file, 7 pages, 45 Kb]
The Indonesian IPM Farmers Congress A description of a National Meeting held in July 1999 More than 540 participants represented IPM farmer groups in 12 provinces.
[doc file, 10 pages, 89 Kb]
Gender and IPM in Nepal. The IPM team in Nepal has recognised the importance of participation by women. Short cases and a list of ‘challenges’ are included in this colourful report.[pdf file, 10 pages, 429 kb]  

Scientific Papers

Russ Dilts 2001. Scaling up the IPM Movement. LEISA Magazine 17-3, pp 18-21 [pdf file, 482 Kb, external link to ILEIA website]
H. Van Den Berg and A.S. Lestari 2001. Improving Local Cultivation of Soybean in Indonesia through Farmer’s Experiments. Expl Agric. 37:183-193 [pdf file, 168 Kb]
Matteson, P.C. 2000. Insect Pest Management in Tropical Asian Irrigated Rice. Annual Review of Entomology 45:549-574. Click here to read the paper on-line, or click on the title above to download the file [pdf file, 102 Kb].
Dilts, R 1999. Facilitating the Emergence of Local Institutions: Reflections from the experience of the Community IPM Programme in Indonesia. In Asian Productivity Organisation Role of Institutions in Rural Community Development: Report of the APO Study Meeting in Colombo, 21-29 Sep 1998.  pp.50-65 [doc file, 127 Kb]
Mangan, J., and M.S.Mangan 1998. A comparison of two IPM training strategies in China: the importance of concepts or the rice ecosystem for sustainable insect pest management.Agriculture and Human Values 15: 209-221. [doc file, 169 Kb]
Ooi, P. A. C. 1998. Beyond the Farmer Field School: IPM and Empowerment in Indonesia. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Gatekeeper Series No. 78. London. 16 pp. (Originally presented at the International Conference of IPM – Theory and Practice, Developing Sustainable Agriculture, Guangzhou, China June 15 – 20, 1998) [doc file, 136 Kb]
Ooi, P. A. C. 1999. Science and Farmers: IPM by Farmers. In Sivapragasam et al (Eds.) Plant Protection in the Tropics, Tropical plant protection in the information age. Proceedings of the MAPPS Fifth International Conference. pp.57-60.[doc file, 46 Kb]
Settle, W.H. et al. 1996. Managing Tropical Rice Pests Through Conservation of Generalist Natural Enemies and Alternative Prey. Ecology, 77(7): 1975-1988 [pdf file, 172 Kb]
Van de Fliert, E., J. Pontius and N. Roling 1995. Searching for strategies to replicate European J. of Agric. Education and Extension, 1(4) 41-63.[external link to Wageningen University]
Bartlett, A.P. 2002. ICT and IPM. In Farmers, FAO and Field School: Bringing IPM to the grass roots in Asia. Food and Agriculture Organisation Farmers, in press. [doc file, 83 Kb] 


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